Get Your Dream Job At Air Travel Career Training Center

We developed students in various professional courses to pursue a career in the travel and tourism industry

Air Travel Courses

Will give you all information and tools you need to succeed with the program
we offer top-notch aviation courses like
* Cabin Crew
* Pilot Training
* Airline Ticketing
* Flight Dispatcher
* Airport Passenger Service

Cabin Crew

All the courses are crafted in tune, with experts from the Airline industry


Our Courses

Air Ticketing Courses in Kuwait

Air Ticketing

This course is specialized for those who are looking for a career in Travel Agency

Airport Passenger Course in Kuwait

Airport Passenger

Airline and airport operations are an important Part of our training.

Cabin Crew Courses in Kuwait

Cabin Crew

This course is meant for the people who like to become Flight Attendant.

Flight Dispatcher

The course provides trainees with in-depth knowledge of the duties of a flight dispatcher.

Private Pilot Program

The Private Pilot Certificate, internationally referred to as the Private Pilot License (PPL), is your first goal as a pilot.

Commercial Pilot

Commercial Pilot Certificate qualifies pilots to be financially compensated for piloting an aircraft.

Aircraft Weight & Balance

This course is meant for the people who like to work near pilots.

Pilot Ground Studies

This course is meant for the poeple who wants to become a pilot .

Degree Program

BBA in Aviation and more

Prepare to get your dream job at air travel career training center

At Air travel career training, we offer several aviation courses in Kuwait, like Airport ground training in Kuwait, Cabin Crew Courses in Kuwait, Airline ticketing course, pilot training and flight dispatcher which is our forte. We also offer additional courses on personality grooming, language skills and interview skills. We have been striving to provide the best training possible, for which we have hired the services of renowned professionals from the airline industry and aviation stream to train our students. 

To meet the growing demand of the Aviation industry we ATC developed various professional courses to provide students to pursue a career in the travel and tourism industry, as well as those wishing to familiarize themselves with Passenger Service, Travel Agencies, Airline Offices, etc.

Let me help you overshoot your goals in the right ways.